Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Naked Me

First and foremost, I am very happy today ’cause I finally have my copy of Alicia Keys’ new album titled As I Am. I am listening to it right now and man, I really love it! The track Superwoman is dedicated to my nanay! Alicia rocks big time!

Last Friday night was quite funny. Ummm well, me and my close pals Tyke, Jayson, Paul, and Earl were kinda tipsy already drinking rum during that time in Tyke’s house when suddenly, maybe due to the heat the weather brought (or alcohol too… he he he), we decided to undress leaving nothing but our undies to cover our — you know! Ha ha ha… I was kinda hesitant at first but Jayson kept on insisting that I must, just for the sake of fun. So I did.

LET LOOSE!!! That was the “theme” hanging in the air during that night — let loose of all insecurities, of all shame, of all inhibitions, of all worries, and just have some fun… free like little children! The girls - Ceeline, Barbie, and Anne were all surprised on what we did and they beheld that night but then they just laughed on our childlike behavior. They say I’m the sexiest. Flatterers! ha ha ha…

I don’t know why but what we did that night actually gave me a sense of freedom deep inside. It was like a metaphor of going out from your cocoon of shame, fears, inhibitions, insecurities, and pain and fly like a beautiful butterfly! Very liberating to the heart and mind. It was like bearing my soul to my friends, to the world. Now don’t get me wrong. I am not a nudist, an exhibitionist, neither a pervert. I am just a bold creature trying to conquer his own self.

By the way, the girls had us photographed showing our butt cracks but I will not post those pictures here. Why? It would be unfair ’cause Earl showed his, whole! Gross! Wahahahaha…

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Finding Destiny

I think one of the hardest questions that until now I am still groping for an answer like a blind man in a vast wasteland is, “What is the purpose of my existence in this world?” I have a lot of conjectures but none really satisfied me as the “TRUE” answer. There must be a significance why I came to this world and become what I am today. I cannot settle down to the idea that I am here just to pass by silently like a beautiful wild flower that grew and withered unnoticed. There must be a purpose. There must be…

Finding the meaning of one’s own existence is very hard indeed. It is like a never ending journey with no exact destination. But despite of it, I am still very glad that this is happening. Why? Because it gives me the excitement everyday to know what the future stores for me. It fuels me to go on living, and explore and live life to the fullest because who knows one day I might be able to find my own destiny and fulfill it. Thus, I might also find myself, and become the person that I should be… And then I will be whole. Amen.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008


After a very long topsy turvy, adrenalin rushing, and sleepless hell of a ride in nursing schooling, I'm back at last!... And I need some air! *Gasp!*

My pimples are erupting too! Urgh!.... Hu hu hu....