Monday, April 20, 2009

Just Dropping By

Duty days are here again...

First Rotation: West Visayas State University Medical Center

Got to go! God bless us all.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

The Phoenix Shall Rise Again

Broken (Once Again)

It hurts so bad to think that the people who gave you hope and inspiration are the ones who will take it back away from you. They gave you wings to fly only to shoot you down in return. This is what I am going through right now. This is what I feel. I almost returned my faith back towards life, but now, it's broken again to pieces. I do not know if I will be able to heal myself this time and make my spirit whole because the wound is just too deep that it penetrates my soul. I am confused and hurting as of the moment. The pain in my heart is killing me. But I am still clinging on to hope desperately for the sake of those people who still love me and believe in me.

Friday, April 10, 2009

God Is Dead?

I was six or seven when I started to notice that my mother often ordered me to settle when I became restless and playful every Holy Friday. I was also not allowed to shout, laugh loudly, and even go out from the house during this day of the year. When I innocently asked my mother why, she answered me saying: "Because today, evil spirits are roaming around, and they are so vicious that they will try to harm you if you will be noisy, fidgety, and if you will not stay here inside the house..."

"And why are evil spirits roaming today nay?" I inquired.

With a seemingly mortified face my mother replied, "Because today son, God is dead..."

My initial reaction upon hearing those words was of course shocked. I went to one corner and pondered on the thought that at that moment, God was not in heaven but buried underneath the earth. But what or who killed God? This was the next question hanging on my thought at that time but I didn't bother to ask more my nanay fearing that I might annoy her and she'll send me to bed for the afternoon siesta.

Of course when I turned into an adult later on, I found out that this idea is not true and often times very confusing and deceptive to children (and even to some grown ups). Jesus, the Son of God, died only once and the reason for his death on the cross of Calvary is to save us all. Jesus cannot be put into death again and again for the reason that he had already conquered death a long time ago when he resurrected from the grave on the third day after his death. Let us all erase this misconception from our kids' minds and likewise from ours too. Instead, let us implant into their hearts and minds that Jesus died thousands of years ago just to give us the chance to live forever.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Cold Mountain

The first time I came across with Cold Mountain by Charles Frazier, it was on the big screen. I watched the movie because I am a big fan of Nicole Kidman and Rene Zelweger. I find the movie good and the two mentioned actresses and Jude Law very convincing in portraying their characters. At the end, the movie made me melancholic and sad, but hell, it was really beautiful. Rene by the way, won her first Oscar as best actress in a supporting role for that movie.

The second time I came across with Cold Mountain was when I was looking for second hand books to be read at night, to drowse me to sleep, at a local bookstore. The book was sold cheap and since I already saw it's movie version, I bought it out of curiosity if the screen adaptation really tried to stick to the novel. And so it started every night, since I only read two or three chapters a night, that the lives of Inman, Ada and Ruby were unfold not in my eyes but in my imagination.

The setting of Cold Mountain was very rural and Frazier was very successful in conjuring the rural mood in his novel. The tall mountains, the lovely meadows, the lonely dirt roads, the slithering rivers, the vast farm fields, the mysterious twilight, and the plain folks and their traditional way of life all gave me the feeling of profound simplicity and serenity. But these was of course abstracted by the ongoing civil war happening in the land which added a feeling of anxiety and uneasiness both I think on the characters (especially Inman who was always haunted by the war scene he had witnessed) and the reader himself (I am talking about myself particularly).

Inman's travel toward home was like a metaphor of my own pilgrim towards self realization. The dangers he met along the way and the obstacles that tried to block him from returning home are like my struggles and battles that until now I still try to overcome. The gore and bloody wars he encountered are like my past that still haunts me to this very day. Inman's thought were focused on his beloved Ada, that is why, his determination to go on with life and his journey was so strong that only death could stop him. Likewise with myself, my determination of making myself whole and fulfilling my fate is what keeps me moving forward with positivity.

Ada and Ruby, the heroines of the story, were two opposite characters. Ada was educated and literate, Ruby was not. Ruby was a self-reliant, hardworking, and practical gal, Ada was otherwise. Ada was the artist, Ruby was the one who appreciates. Ada was sophisticated while Ruby was superstitious. The contrast between the two main female characters of the novel was quite obvious but it was amazing that the two were able to live together in harmony, supporting each other in the name of survival. Same so with ourselves, sometimes we contradict our very own selves that often confuse us. But then again, in the end, these contradictions inside us meet half way to come up with one unique idea, thought or opinion. And whatever ever it is, it is who we are. All in the name of self-preservation and realization.

Cold Mountain speaks about love lost, friendship, and the determination of the human soul. All in all, it was a very delightful read. Very poignant yet a masterpiece of beauty. I tried not to shed a tear up to the very end but unfortunately, I did.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Nation Of Servants

Yeheeey! I passed my Pathophysiology and Nursing Care Mangement subject! All my fears are finally obliterated to dust! Thank you Lord. One more year and hopefully I'll be able to finish my schooling.


Just this week, Filipinos were enraged upon reading an article written by a Chinese journalist in a local magazine in Hong Kong that "maliciously" branded our country as a nation of servants and indirectly, a land grabber. Like the others, I was also infuriated by the harsh and discriminatory statement of the writer because first, Filipinos, especially our OFWs have a big contribution to the economy of the place (Hong Kong) and I am referring not just those domestic helpers but those skilled and professional Filipinos working in big companies there. Second, Chip Tsao (that's the name of the writer), have no right to call us indirectly as a "land grabber" because they ,the government of China, have not yet proven that the Spratly Islands really belong to them . Every neighboring countries (i.e. Vietnam and Malaysia) near the group of islands can claim it as their own since Spratly is geographically situated "between" these countries. And I think, unless the dispute about the different claims is settled, everyone can still insist that Spratly is their's.

On the other hand, this incident, the "mocking" of the Filipino race, is again a wake up call for the public leaders of this country to do something about the flight of our brothers and sisters into other countries just to find greener pasture for survival. It is time for our leaders to stop politicizing and instead, do their jobs by focusing more on finding ways to generate jobs here in our country so that the sending of our fellowmen to work for aliens will be put to a stop . And again, we must do something against poverty for this is the main cause why Filipinos opted to work as domestic helpers abroad (and often get mistreated) rather than die here because of hunger. It is a sad fact that we still rely greatly on the economy of others just to make our fragile economy survive. We can say that Chip Tsao is such a mean and arrogant person, a racist, and an idiot for the statements he wrote about us. But can we blame him totally for it? Don't you think that we have a part of this too for this is the image we try to impress on them? If we will not start acting today, doing things that will help alleviate poverty here in our country and not just by mere lip service, we will remain still as a people trying to serve others for compensation and survival and as a "nation of servants" in the eyes of the rest of the world.