Friday, April 10, 2009

God Is Dead?

I was six or seven when I started to notice that my mother often ordered me to settle when I became restless and playful every Holy Friday. I was also not allowed to shout, laugh loudly, and even go out from the house during this day of the year. When I innocently asked my mother why, she answered me saying: "Because today, evil spirits are roaming around, and they are so vicious that they will try to harm you if you will be noisy, fidgety, and if you will not stay here inside the house..."

"And why are evil spirits roaming today nay?" I inquired.

With a seemingly mortified face my mother replied, "Because today son, God is dead..."

My initial reaction upon hearing those words was of course shocked. I went to one corner and pondered on the thought that at that moment, God was not in heaven but buried underneath the earth. But what or who killed God? This was the next question hanging on my thought at that time but I didn't bother to ask more my nanay fearing that I might annoy her and she'll send me to bed for the afternoon siesta.

Of course when I turned into an adult later on, I found out that this idea is not true and often times very confusing and deceptive to children (and even to some grown ups). Jesus, the Son of God, died only once and the reason for his death on the cross of Calvary is to save us all. Jesus cannot be put into death again and again for the reason that he had already conquered death a long time ago when he resurrected from the grave on the third day after his death. Let us all erase this misconception from our kids' minds and likewise from ours too. Instead, let us implant into their hearts and minds that Jesus died thousands of years ago just to give us the chance to live forever.

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