Monday, August 3, 2009

The Saint Of Democracy

At 3:18 am, August 01, 2009, at the age of 76, the 11th President of the Republic of The Philippines, Corazon Cojuangco Aquino, died due to respiratory arrest complication brought about by colon cancer.

I was six years old when I often heard the name "Cory" from the lips of the adults particularly my parents. All I know back then was that she was famous since her favorite color which was yellow became the color of my upper school uniform in my kindergarten school. But aside from that, my young mind could no longer digest what the lady named "Cory" has done for our country.

I was in my elementary years when I got a full grasp of Cory's role, mission, and ordeals in restoring our debilitated country back to its former healthy shape. It was during these years that a lot of coup attempts surfaced and since my father was a military man, these issues were often brought up especially during meal time, though my father did not participated on such coup attempts. It was pity that I felt for Cory during those times of tribulations since how could a meek and soft-spoken woman retort to uniformed men with guns and tanks?

Corazon Aquino may not be the great president during her rule for the country's economy was still on the quagmire of impoverishment and the instability of the country's political system often created an air of insurgency. But in my humble opinion, who would be the right person to take the position of presidency during those dark times? I think the late former president Aquino was the one most fit since her integrity was untainted, her faith was firm, her honesty was unquestionable, and her love for the people and country was radiating. She served as the light of the country in its moment of gloom.

Cory, until her final moment, taught us that we don't have to resort to harshness and violence just to win the ideals we are fighting for. She taught us that the best way to win a battle is through humility, faith, and sincere love for others.

I am lucky I was able to live during Cory's time. At least I could share something to the future generations some tidbits about this heroine. If ever someone will ask me when I grow old what can I say about Corazon Aquino, I would say "She was the only woman, aside from my mother of course, that really exemplified the phrase GRACE UNDER PRESSURE."

I would like to pay tribute to the late Corazon Aquino, who fought for the freedom of this country, who lived her life for the Filipino people, and for unifying us all. She is indeed the saint of democracy.

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