Saturday, October 10, 2009

Just A Thought

We often times ask ourselves, conciously and unconciously, of the purpose of our existence in this planet. And because we don't have the answers to this philosophical question directly, we usually resort to finding ourselves on avenues less traveled. Often times too, we get frustrated because we only get more lost in these winding roads. Confusing us more and leaving us bitter with life.

Lately, I have learned that we don't really find ourselves somewhere -- we create it! God has given us the power to design our beings both outwardly and inwardly, and he has given us the ability to define ourselves by granting us the freedom to choose the things that will define our very existence. Therefore, we are not bound by fate, we shape it. With this, it also follows that happiness depends on our own choosing. Misery only comes when one becomes tired of striving to be happy. I want to be happy, contented, and peaceful, and with perseverance, faith and hope, I know that sooner I will be.


Cee said...

tired of striving to be happy. i want to, yet circumstances confuse me making me stumble back to square one. *weak smile and sigh*

Romerei said...

But Cee, life's like that --- a continuous struggle towards happiness. And likewise, A CHOICE.