Thursday, September 9, 2010

Life On Tube

I have nothing to do lately so life is starting to become boring again. It's a good thing that I have all these downloaded movies and television shows (don't ask me where I get them LOL!), at least I could escape from reality's boredom to surrealism's fiction and fantasy. Starting last week I have begun a marathon of all my favorite movies and television shows and I enjoyed it. I found out that life on couch (aside from my life on bed when I do my readings) is a good refuge for a bored creature like me. I started my tube marathon with the season 1 of Glee which I've finished by the way for just a day. Man, the show was hilarious and wickedly funny! And of course, the musical numbers were awesome! I commend Ryan Murphy, the creator of the show, for creating such an inspiring (yet funny) show dedicated for the underdogs and the outcasts like me... he he he. The Power of Madonna and likewise the Journey episodes were the ones I like best. I hope they will make tribute episodes for great artists like The Beatles, Michael Jackson, U2, Eric Clapton, and Elton John in the near future. I can't wait for season 2 to come especially now that Charice (her character in the show by the way is Sunshine Corazon --- can't they find another name aside from that?) is in. Watching the teasers for season 2 is killing me! Huh!

The power to bring back the dead to life is what
Ned "The Piemaker", played by blooming actor Lee Pace, possesses in the fantasy comedy series Pushing Daisies. I love the show because of it's fresh storyline, crisp dialogue, and superb visual design. Watching the show was like watching a mini-movie of Tim Burton. In the show, the lead protagonist Ned as I have mentioned earlier has the power to revive the dead with just a touch and make the resurrected person lifeless again, this time for good, with just another touch. Not only that, Ned also discovered that keeping the dead person alive for more than one minute would result to another tragedy: someone has to die in replace for the one resurrected. This consequence is randomly selected by the cosmic force so you'll never know who's gonna die next (but usually, someone near the vicinity of the person brought back to life is the unfortunate replacement). The story of the show goes with Ned bringing back his childhood sweetheart and only love Charlotte "Chuck" Charles to the land of the living after the latter was murdered on a boat trip. Supposedly, Ned's purpose of resurrecting the love of his life was to uncover the real identity of the murderer since Ned entered into a partnership with private investigator Emerson Cod but unfortunately, Ned was conquered by his overwhelming love for Chuck so he kept the woman alive. The dilemma begins with Ned not being able to touch Charlotte for it will make her dead again forever. So they tried anything they could think of just to be able to "touch" one another and that includes kissing with a cellophane in between (pretty creative!). Another character that adds spice to the show is the pie waitress Olive Snook played by the amazing actress Kristin Chenoweth. Man, she's a natural comic! I just can't stop grinning when Olive is around. And she can sing! Kristin by the way also guest starred in season 1 of Glee. She's astounding! No wonder she won an Emmy for best supporting actress in Pushing Daisies. I finished watching the two seasons of the show in just one day and a half and it made my back hurt for sitting almost 24 hours! Tsk tsk tsk... Very unhealthy I must say.

Another show I'm so hooked up with is
Grey's Anatomy. I'm currently following season 3 so I still have a lot to catch on since the show is already on its 7th season. As of now, all I know is that I hate Meredith Grey because she's like bitch-whore, making up with a surgeon and a veterinarian at the same time, and the rest of the characters were just simply amazing particularly Izzy, Christina, Miranda, George and Karev. The season 2 finale was really heart-pounding with a bonus plus of Christina Ricci as a guest star playing a scared-to-death-rat paramedic. How I wished the bomb exploded while Meredith was holding it. Unfortunately it didn't happen because it would no longer be Grey's Anatomy if Meredith will explode into smithereens. But how about killing Meredith and renaming the show into Steven's Anatomy? Or O'Malley's Anatomy? Or Karev's Anatomy? That would be great I guess but I know it won't happen. LOL...

After Grey's Anatomy season 3 I think next on my list will be either
Lost, Vampire Diaries, Nurse Jackie or Modern Family before I proceed with season 4. Haaay.... My aunt is already complaining about our electric bill soaring high but in this modern time, that is just one of the prices we must pay for diversion and entertainment. On my next post I'll be writing about the movies I've watched lately. Ciao!


Cee said...
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Cee said...

and it sucks when you don't have tv! hahaha. our tv got busted. hay nku. hope all is well! ^_^ by the way can i have a link of the video u did and shared on fb? i wanna post it on my blog tani.


Romerei said...

Ahay Cee... You tell your mom and dad to buy a new one! Don't be so kuripot. LOL...

With regards to the video, can I post it here in blogspot? Do you think the link will work if you will post it on yours?
