Monday, March 31, 2008

Welcoming Summer, Enjoying Vacation

The heat is on..... and everyday, I am drenched in sweat! Haaay... Summer is here at last and vacation had just started last week after the final exams. Whew! Time to relax and take my mind off for a while from all matters concerning school. Enjoy, enjoy, and enjoy! Yes, that's what I will do in my 2 week vacation.

I actually welcomed summer just after my last final exam on the afternoon of March 17, 2008, in which the subject was Microbiology. I thought that I deserve to have some fun after the bloody, brain-stirring activity. So right on the spot, yours truly and my beloved classmates Maricar, Cory, Juvy, Ritz, and Bridgel decided to have a night swimming party at Nes and Tat's Beach Resort in Oton, Iloilo. So after changing our uniforms to beach suits and cooking chicken adobo and rice for our supper at the resort, we then headed to Nes and Tat's with nothing but excitement in our hearts, making us giggle and act like little children. We planned to stay there overnight so we also brought some drinks and chips. When we arrived at our destination, we then headed to the customer service counter for the fees. We paid 800 plus all in all, a very reasonable price. Then we settled our things at the cottage assigned to us and then we started to have FUUUUUUUUNNNN!!!!!

Happy summer and enjoy your vacation guys!


(Note: The photos are posted below.)

Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Computer Monitor

I'm giving myself a break from all these weird sounding names of microbes --- Toxoplasma gondii, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes, Giardia lamblia, Treponema pallidum, Vibrio cholerae, and etcetera and etcetera! (Etcetera and etcetera by the way is not a microbe... Ha ha ha) That is why right now, I'm here facing the monitor and rant about nonsense. This is my way of diverting my mind from too much stress. But I guess ranting is also stressful, don't you think? lol

Hmmm... Finals is finally here and the end of the semester is drawing at hand. I should be celebrating because it's vacation time but the sad fact is that I or we nursing students don't have a summer vacation because we have summer classes! Waaaah... This is tragic 'cause that means, NO REST AT ALL 'til fourth year. That is, if I will be able to proceed to fourth year 'cause the results of our Assessment for Nursing Potential, a test that will qualify us to proceed to third year, have not yet been released. So it's still 50-50. I'm really praying that I will be able to pass the exam. I have already invested a lot in this course, I don't want that all those sacrifices and hardships I had encountered will just go to waste. It will be a nightmare for me! I would rather choose NO REST AT ALL 'TIL FOURTH YEAR rather than FAIL. Haaay life!

Okay, I think I'll better go back now to my Microbiology book, the thought of FAILING suddenly gives me the drive to study hard. Naks! Hmmm... I never thought I could come up with such reflection by just staring at the computer screen for several minutes. I told you ranting in front of the monitor is a good diversion! Good night.