Sunday, February 17, 2008

Black Valentine With Me, Myself and I

February 14 is Valentine's Day but my close pals would rather call last Thursday as Maundy Thursday rather than Hearts' Day. Ha ha ha! Well I could relate to that 'cause I was also celebrating it minus a special someone. "Poor us, bingkongs!" a dear friend of mine exclaimed that day with a deep sigh. "Bingkong" by the way is a slang word in our local dialect which means "loveless". But despite of the fact that I am indeed loveless during that special day and until now, I never feel lonely at all. Maybe because I am contented with my life. I have a lot of wonderful people who loves me for what and who I am. My mother, my brothers, my aunts and uncles, my cousins, my close friends, all these people give me the bliss and security of being loved. I could not ask for more!

My friends asked me lately why am I not into a relationship as of the moment? My replied was it's either I am evading Cupid's arrow or Cupid has forgotten to shoot me at all! Ha ha ha..... But seriously, my reason for not committing into a relationship lately because I found out that there is bliss in being single. You have all the time and freedom to do the things that you wanted to do without hesitation. Now, I am not afraid of responsibilities in a relationship because everything we do entails responsibilities anyway. It's just that if ever I'll plunge into a relationship, I want to make sure that it's for real this time and not just some sugar coated kind of infatuation that after the sweetness has gone, boredom and blandness follows. Maturity makes you want to scrutinize things indeed! He he he...

Black Valentine --- the Valentine's Day for the loveless. Well, I didn't mind at all if I had a Black Valentine's Day. I was celebrating it anyway with my three faithful companions: ME, MYSELF and I. We love each other like nobody has ever loved before and hey, we really enjoyed our dinner date together that day! Ha ha ha.....

Until next post. Belated Happy Hearts' Day guys!

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