Monday, April 14, 2008

And I Laugh Out Loud With My "Fake Laugh"

Summer classes have just started. Me and my new classmates were as usual (for the third time), assessing each other mentally. The rule of socialization: KNOW THY NEIGHBOR, BEFRIEND THE HARMLESS, AND IGNORE THE MENACE.

I think I don't need to describe my clinical instructor in Fundamentals of Nursing because I already did it in my last blog entry (refer to my previous blog entry in dated April 12, 2008). The only thing I guess I need to add is that she's the head of UI's Community Extension Service program. In fact, she was not around this morning to handle our class since she was too tired from their circumcision operation in several of the barangays in Batad, Iloilo. A noble act I must say, cutting foreskins and making those boys embraced manhood. I am not giggling here!

Because Ms. L, the name I call our C.I., was not around this morning, me, EJ, Jayson, and Leslie, spent the whole morning sitting at the corridor of the 3rd floor of Nursing building, chatting, joking, and kibitzing other people's lives. A very noble act I must say too in the sense that we occupied our idle time by entertaining ourselves with words instead of doing vandalism, taking prohibited drugs, or hold upping a nearby bank. Ha ha ha...

In our Nutrition subject, our teacher is a ghost. That is, we don't know if her existence is tangible and visible 'cause until now, no solid form of her has appeared in our midst. Boring...

Meanwhile, our Philippine History subject was like a club with a comic trying to make his audience laugh. The comic was none other than our Phil. History instructor, Mr.... I-forgot-his-name. His jokes were really corny and they really bored me to death. I felt like shooting him with a machine gun or rather with a bazooka while listening to his old, dull, uninteresting, gag.

Will someone please stop this guy and send us all home so that he will also stop waisting our time?!

But I was laughing out loud. Why? Because first, there was nothing interesting for me to do at that time so I tested myself if I could fake a sincere laugh and I think I did!

The winner for the best actor category goes to.....

Second, because I pitied him with all of his desperate efforts to entertain us all. Okay, a laugh or a "fake laugh" to be specific is not expensive anyway, so I gave some. Lastly, because I thought I was already crazy. Well, there is just a thin line between sanity and insanity anyway. Who knows, I am indeed?! And who knows if my history teacher and my classmates are in my league too? Ha ha ha...


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