Sunday, May 11, 2008

The Vanishing Rice And The Claustrophobic Canister

The Philippines is having a shortage in the supply of rice lately. Well, that's what all the news in television and in papers say. The government is, as usual, trying to deny this by saying that there is an ample supply of the staple food we Filipinos considered as "manna". And the authorities are very desperate trying to seek for rice hoarders to be convicted. But despite of the assurance by the government that we will not be groveling on the ground because of hunger for two years, people are still panic buying. Becoming hoarders themselves without them knowing.

So why is the Philippines, an agricultural country and main producer of rice decades and decades ago, is now having this rice shortage crisis? Number one reason is that the government failed to focus more on the agricultural industry especially the needs of our farmers (e.g. accessible rural roads, good irrigation, low cost fertilizers, and proper incentives for our farmers), instead, it seems like they advocate more on the conversion of the country's agricultural lands into residential and commercial ones. Second, the research and production of good quality and high yielding variety of rice were not given emphasis by the government. The Filipinos have to suffer first from hunger before the authorities finally realized that they were very idle when it comes to the development of these genetically modified rice that will boost rice production. Filipinos have never yet outgrown procrastination. Now rice is slowly vanishing in our plates. Tsk tsk tsk.....

What's the best remedy for this problem since the cost of rice nowadays are soaring high? Nah, not cannibalism, we'll make Hannibal Lecter jobless. How about cutting our daily rice intake into half? Instead of having two cups of rice per meal, maybe we could lessen it down to one cup! Problem is, most of our fellowmen don't even have a half cup of rice to be cut down. This is how miserable the Philippine economy is! Tsk tsk tsk.....An archbishop suggested in a news report that Pinoys must find a way to fill their hunger by eating alternative carbo rich foods like root crops. He mentioned specifically cassava. My only question is, will the price of cassava stay the same if it will be in demand to consumers? Or will it soar high too? Can our body tolerate the accumulation of hydrocyanic acid after eating cassava for six months? Or we will end up with our mouths foaming? Hay, life in the Philippines is really challenging. Everyday I feel like I'm in the reality show called Survivor. The only difference is, no cameras around to glorify my struggles. Hu hu hu...


Everybody was shocked especially the people in the different medical fields and the authorities when the news about the "black suede scandal" broke out. Well, the scandal was actually about a homosexual who's rectum was inserted with a spray canister by a guy whom he had a one night stand. The subject resorted to a medical operation to remove the canister and while the procedure was done, some of the operating staff took a video of the operation. The removal of the canister was really seen on the video and aside from that, the yelling and howling of the staff were also heard upon the recovery of the canister. One member even opened it and sprayed it on the operating room. The said video was then uploaded into and became a video of the week!

I myself was really shocked upon seeing the video in my classmate's cellphone. It was, in my opinion, a total violation of the patient's right to privacy! My classmate, on the other hand said that the man deserved it because he was a pervert anyway. But I think the act must be exclusive to the man alone. I mean let his guilt, that is if he have one, bother him. The medical team who had done the operation has no right to publicly share the incidence. They totally stripped the man of his last ounce of dignity. What happened to the code of ethics of those doctors and nurses involved? Gone to the trash bin? Shame! I couldn't believe those people who swore to protect, cure, restore, and save lives had the capacity to do such inhuman things like that while the patient was unconcious! Shame again!

The latest news was that the Commission on Higher Education (CHEd), due to the said incidence, is currently planning to add two new subjects in BS Nursing which will focus and give emphasis more on nursing ethics. So all it took was a canister to stuck up in someone else's rectum in order for our officials to be serious enough in honing our medical, nursing, and paramedical students to be professional enough someday in doing their job as curators of life. To that canister guy, a big thank you! Your as*, I mean, your experience serves as an eye opener. To the poor innocent canister, I couldn't imagine how you feel while you were inside. I can't blame you if you will develop claustrophobia someday. My sympathy.

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