Saturday, January 24, 2009

Beep! Beep!: The Jeepney Experience

Public Use Jeepney (PUJ) or simply known as dyip has been one of the national symbols of our country. For decades, after the American occupation era, the dyip has been an important means of transportation for Filipinos especially the masa, both in rural and urban places. The left-over of the US Military jeeps were transformed into flashy vehicles ready for public use and has now become our identity and part of our culture. As a Filipino myself, I couldn't imagine life here in the Philippines nowadays without the jeepneys. It seems like everything here in this country would stop, from education to economy, if all jeepneys would be eradicated from the streets.

I always ride on a jeepney when going to the city of Iloilo from my humble town Maasin especially on school days. Commuting on a dyip will give you a lot of experiences. Some of them are funny, some of them are exhilirating, some are irritating, and some are just plain boring.

During school season, I often don't get enough sleep for the reason that I study, make my assignments, and take some notes until early dawn (very diligent huh? lol). Because of this, I often make jeepneys as my siesta cribs until it take me to my destination. There was a time when I was too sleepy and my consciousness was starting to dispersed into oblivion when I unconciously banged my head to the head of the commuter next to me. I was so ashmed of the incident that I pretended that I was still sleeping even though at that time I was already fully awake. The picture that I saw in my mind at that very moment was that all eyes were looking at me especially the searing eyes of the person in which I bumped my head into. I was sweating but I really didn't care much, because I was pretty occupied acting sleeping.

There was also this one instance in which I took a nap while commuting and later, I suddenly woke up and catched my mouth open while the other passenger sitting across me was staring at me as if wanting to throw something on my half-gaped mouth. Again, to save myself from further embarassment, I just closed my mouth and pretended to be asleep again which of course I was not. I realized from then on that acting sleeping was not an easy task.

I really hate women with long hair who doesn't know how to keep them sitting ahead of me in a jeepney. The ordeal of a hair slapping at your face for 45 minutes (that's how long it takes to travel from my town to the city) is unbearable and I have experienced it several times already and it always makes my face red like a tomato. To deal with this matter, I usually ask the woman to keep her hair because if not, my vicious killer instinct would surely "unhair" her head, making her like Sigourney Weaver in Alien movies. How I love to play the extraterrestrial creature's part!

If there is one thing I really couldn't forget riding a jeepney, that is everytime it will speed up like rocket (that it will make your hair stand up to the tip!) and the driver is a reckless daredevil. The scary part is when it overtakes a vehicle with super speed and you'll see that another vehicle is fast approaching your way. One thing for sure: you would surely pray hard for your dear life especially when it happens that you are sitting in the front seat. A dear friend of mine once told me that the difference between a priest and a reckless driver is that everytime a priest delivers his sermon, people get drowsy and eventually sleep on their pews. Meanwhile, a reckless driver when driving fast (like a trip bound to hell), could effortlessly make his passengers call all the saints and angels in heaven like Armagedon is at hand! How ironic but true.
If ever there will come a time that I will leave this beloved country of mine for a reason I still don't know, jeepneys and the experience of riding these unique vehicles will surely a miss for me. You can never say "Para!" to taxis in New York anyway.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Life

What would my life be without coffee?

It would be a life in a state of comatose.

What would my life be without music?

Dull and boring. Deaf. Catatonic.

What would my life be without books?

Somber. Dismal.

What would my life be without movies?


What would my life be without my studies?


What would my life be without the problems and trials that come my way?

It's like watching a dull movie for eternity.

What would my life be without my enemies and detractors?

Weak and fragile. No drama!

What would my life be without my friends?

Miserable, sad, uneventful.

What would my life be without my siblings?

It's like a scattered jigsaw puzzle.

What would be my life without nanay?

A total void. Nothing.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


Many times have I been too far away from my hometown Maasin for a very long period of time and the memory of my beloved place always haunted me during those moments. Maasin, like Cagayan de Oro City (the place where I spent most of my childhood years), holds a very special spot in my heart, maybe because a lot of precious memories have I created in the said place. Life in Maasin is very simple and yet the things that I, or we Maasinanons (that's what we call ourselves), often do and see here are the things we really miss the most whenever we get too far away from our dear hometown. Things like...

Jogging in the morning and strolling in the afternoon around the plaza....

The statues of Andres Bonifacio and the soldier at the center of the poblacion...

Swimming in the muddy river...

The Town Fiesta...

The Tultugan Festival...

Taking a bath using the "bomba" or the hand water pump...

The noisy bustling during market day every Monday...

The shits of dogs that often greet you when walking along the narrow streets early in the morning...

The bamboos...

The carabaos...

Our family roots...

The flood during typhoons...

The fountain with the bust of a fish that only spills water from its mouth during special occasions (like fiesta, Christmas, New Year)...

Riding "trisikads"...

Drunkard neighbors...

Blue Fields...

Eating batchoy and pizza at Janken...

Squating at the sidewalk at night underneath the lampost, texting...

The "kadyos" and "monggo" dishes...

Going to the congested cemetary during All Souls Day...

Diving in the dam...

An of course, our dear friends, classmates, barkadas, and other acquaintances...

I know that there might be a possibility in the future that I will be once again taken away from my hometown because we never know what fate has instore for us, but I know that I will always come back from time to time to Maasin for the place has become a part of person, a part of my identity.

The Statue of Andres Bonifacio at the Poblacion Plaza and the Municipal Hall

The fountain with the fish bust

The Poblacion Public Market

One of the narrow streets of Maasin

Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Murderer

Of all creatures in the animal kingdom, the cockroach is the only one that could awaken my killer instinct which I tried to repress deep in my subconscious mind. I have a lot of reasons why I love to assassinate cockroaches and to enumerate them here would mean that I have to glue my ass for an hour in the chair. But I think the two main reasons why I am so inhumane towards "cockroachkind" are the following --- First, they definitely look ummm... scary, like some loathsome extraterrestrial lifeforms crawling on your wall ready to launch at your face anytime and squirt at you that stinking smell that can make your stomach turn inside out (ews!). Second, because they carry germs! Remember that these filthy creatures feed, live, and crawl on decaying matters and it has been reported that they spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria, six kinds of parasitic worms, and at least seven other kinds of human pathogens. Think about that!

So every time I see a cockroach, any object at hand (usually a slipper or a broom) will serve as my weapon of destruction. Then..... SPLAT! End of his existence.

One time, I saw a cockroach and yes, I exterminate it. The action was like automatic and involuntary that seconds after I saw the filthy thing crawling on the floor, I just beheld it before me, squashed.

Unknown to me, my cousin saw at that time the thing that I had done to the insect. When she approached me, she asked, "Do you believe in reincarnation?"

"I don't know," my only answer.

"Ok, supposing that reincarnation is true, there is a possibility that that cockroach you killed is our very own grandma," she told me like someone who knows all the secret knowledge of the universe.

I looked back to the spot where the dead insect lied. My cousin did the same. Then, absent-mindedly I uttered: "Oh my God, I just murdered Lola Soting..."

Friday, January 2, 2009

The Seven Deadly Sins

My dear brothers and sisters, I exhort to you all to avoid these seven deadly sins that will corrupt your souls and will consume you to the eternal blazing fire of hell.....

LUXURIA or LUST. Avoid craving for those FHMs, Maxims, and Playboys! If you really can't avoid reading them, then read them with eyes closed.

GULA or GLUTTONY. Avoid eating too much imported foods especially those coming from China. Some of them (and you'll never know which) contains melamine and formaldehyde which will hasten your laying down to your coffin!

AVARITIA or GREED. Greed my dear brethrens is like lust and gluttony, a sin of excess accumulation of power. Now texting is a power too to communicate, but sometimes too much texting is.... costly and can cause carpal tunnel syndrome. Now I know (and you know too) what's the relationship with a costly vice to greed, but with carpal tunnel syndrome? I really don't have an idea.

ACEDIA or SLOTH. To all my dear friends, please do reply to my text messages if you have loads (and don't you guys dare lie that you don't have! Grrrr...) or else I can accuse you of being lazy bones and then the wrath of heaven will smite your cheeks and crush your teeth to dusts!

IRA or WRATH. My dear teachers and clinical instructors, please don't let your anger consume you if I am always late in your classes and clinical duties. You don't want to be barbecued in hell, don't you?

INVIDIA or ENVY. Do not envy Marian Rivera's sexy body; Angel Locsin's long, straight, shiny hair; Toni Gonzaga's pearly white teeth; Katrina Halili's prominent nose; and Keana Reeves' oversized boobs because the creation of these were all costly (you know what I mean) likewise their maintenance... and unfortunately you don't have the money. What I am trying to say is, stop watching too much television and reading too much showbiz oriented magazines. Aside from saving electricity consumption, you might also save some money for silicon later.

SUPERBIA or PRIDE. Some say that we must swallow our pride but in my case, I digest them..... And until now I still suffer from constipation. But brethrens you choose, constipation or damnation?

Be guided, be enlightened. Amen.

Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 And The Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces

It’s already 5 hours passed the new year and I am still here facing the computer. I cannot sleep. Maybe due to drinking of too much Coke… Or maybe I just can’t believe until now that it is already 2009. Well anyway, I am very glad that another year had passed and I am still healthy, kicking, and alive. And yes, very very blessed. I thank God for all the things that had happened to me last 2008 because it was such a wonderful year for me amidst of all the trials and testings and I give him all the glory for that.

I know this year will also be a beautiful and bountiful year for me. How do I know? Well, God said believe in the things that you want to happen and it will come true. That’s what faith is all about — believing in things not yet seen. So again, I am claiming this year as a prosperous year for me! Amen.

The entry of 2009 marks a new chapter in my life. I am already excited of what will going to happen next. It is like watching a soap opera. The only thing I am asking is that may God give me the strength to face all the tests (and defeats) that I will be encountering this year, the thankful heart that will anchor my feet to the ground despite of all the overwhelming victories, and the wisdom to know what is good and what is right.

My new year’s resolution for this year is still the same as last year and that is, “I shall make a better me.” The only difference this time is that I am doing it not just for myself but also for the others. 2008 made me realized that in order to complete one’s jigsaw puzzle, one must find the missing pieces on others. I am starting to find it now.