Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 And The Jigsaw Puzzle Pieces

It’s already 5 hours passed the new year and I am still here facing the computer. I cannot sleep. Maybe due to drinking of too much Coke… Or maybe I just can’t believe until now that it is already 2009. Well anyway, I am very glad that another year had passed and I am still healthy, kicking, and alive. And yes, very very blessed. I thank God for all the things that had happened to me last 2008 because it was such a wonderful year for me amidst of all the trials and testings and I give him all the glory for that.

I know this year will also be a beautiful and bountiful year for me. How do I know? Well, God said believe in the things that you want to happen and it will come true. That’s what faith is all about — believing in things not yet seen. So again, I am claiming this year as a prosperous year for me! Amen.

The entry of 2009 marks a new chapter in my life. I am already excited of what will going to happen next. It is like watching a soap opera. The only thing I am asking is that may God give me the strength to face all the tests (and defeats) that I will be encountering this year, the thankful heart that will anchor my feet to the ground despite of all the overwhelming victories, and the wisdom to know what is good and what is right.

My new year’s resolution for this year is still the same as last year and that is, “I shall make a better me.” The only difference this time is that I am doing it not just for myself but also for the others. 2008 made me realized that in order to complete one’s jigsaw puzzle, one must find the missing pieces on others. I am starting to find it now.


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