Sunday, January 4, 2009

The Murderer

Of all creatures in the animal kingdom, the cockroach is the only one that could awaken my killer instinct which I tried to repress deep in my subconscious mind. I have a lot of reasons why I love to assassinate cockroaches and to enumerate them here would mean that I have to glue my ass for an hour in the chair. But I think the two main reasons why I am so inhumane towards "cockroachkind" are the following --- First, they definitely look ummm... scary, like some loathsome extraterrestrial lifeforms crawling on your wall ready to launch at your face anytime and squirt at you that stinking smell that can make your stomach turn inside out (ews!). Second, because they carry germs! Remember that these filthy creatures feed, live, and crawl on decaying matters and it has been reported that they spread at least 33 kinds of bacteria, six kinds of parasitic worms, and at least seven other kinds of human pathogens. Think about that!

So every time I see a cockroach, any object at hand (usually a slipper or a broom) will serve as my weapon of destruction. Then..... SPLAT! End of his existence.

One time, I saw a cockroach and yes, I exterminate it. The action was like automatic and involuntary that seconds after I saw the filthy thing crawling on the floor, I just beheld it before me, squashed.

Unknown to me, my cousin saw at that time the thing that I had done to the insect. When she approached me, she asked, "Do you believe in reincarnation?"

"I don't know," my only answer.

"Ok, supposing that reincarnation is true, there is a possibility that that cockroach you killed is our very own grandma," she told me like someone who knows all the secret knowledge of the universe.

I looked back to the spot where the dead insect lied. My cousin did the same. Then, absent-mindedly I uttered: "Oh my God, I just murdered Lola Soting..."

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