Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Happy Fiesta

Happy annual fiesta to all my fellow Maasinanons! Happy Jose Rizal day too! I hope you guys grooved with the beat of the bamboos yesterday 'cause Tultugan was fun. Ciao!

Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Thoughts

It's Christmas. I am happy and I don't know why. Maybe because of the festive air, the sight of the left-over foods prepared last night still plenty and looking inviting at the table, the beautiful Christmas decorations surrounding the house and the neighborhood, the cold breeze blowing on my face, or simply because of the thought that people right now are in the mood for generosity. Whatever the reason might be, what matters is I'm happy. At least for now.

I miss my mother and my brothers but I know that they miss me too most especially in this yuletide season. My mom called me last night and greeted me Merry Christmas and somehow I found it enough. They couldn't come to where I am now since they are missionary workers assigned to different places for the Lord, who's birthday we are celebrating today, and it's ok. What is important is that they are happy with what they are doing and that they are blessed everyday by the Creator.

Today is the supposed birthday of Jesus Christ although we know that Bible scholars and historians really don't have the authentic account of the exact date of his birth. Christmas was actually a pagan celebration in origin turned into a Christian event after the sprout of Catholicism in Rome to honor Christ. That was, until now. Because in this digital age, Santa Claus is the new star of Christmas, replacing Jesus Christ. You'll see the big bellied man with immaculate beard and red suit perpetually everywhere during Christmas. From decorations to greeting cards, from shirts to apparels, and from movies and to commercial ads. He is even drinking a bottle of Coke in one advertisement! What is saddening is that little kids are more familiar with Santa rather than Jesus, in fact, they associate Christmas with the former and with the gifts he bring. The icon of everlasting life was replaced by the icon of commercialization in this modern world. A very terrible deception.

I got to go. The foods on the table are beckoning me to come. Ha ha ha...

Happy nativity day Yeshua!

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Poetry In Action

I had my completion duty this morning in the delivery room. It is called completion duty because it is a special scheduled duty, that means that it is not included in the regular rotation schedule our clinical coordinator gives us student nurses. Since I don't have any assignment in the delivery room this semester and graduation is fast approaching (and my delivery scrubs, 15 cases are needed, are not yet complete), I have no choice but to have my completion duty. Of course, to have a special schedule in the delivery room, we student nurses must pay. Two thousand pesos per day and we usually divide it into three since three students are needed per delivery cases for the assist, handle, and baby or cord care. Quite expensive but we have no choice because we really want to graduate this March 2010.

Having my duty in the delivery room is always been an adrenaline rush to me and likewise a wonder. Adrenaline rush because from the start of full crowning, that means that the baby's head is already bulging in the cervix, up to the complete expulsion of the baby, every tick of the clock is always an action, from monitoring to assiting the mother, just to ensure the safety of both mother and child. Birthing is also a wonder to me because it makes me ponder how life is created, the process of it is truly a miracle. It makes me appreciate the pain (the episiotomy and sometimes the laceration... ouch!) and sacrifices of mothers, especially of my mom.

One thing I like about the institution where I had my delivery scrubs is the policy of having the baby contact with the mother's skin for at least one hour. The rationale according to my clinical instructor is to establish a loving maternal-child rapport and for the baby to adapt faster to its new environment. Oh the smile of the mothers upon holding their babies close to their bossom. Truly a beautiful sight.

Well we had two delivery cases this morning and I'm happy because at least we went home not being zero. I thank God for giving me the opportunity to witness and participate in birthing cases. For me, birthing is like a poetry that is unique because it combines the beauty of agony, happiness, and ordinary miracle of life. From the wail of a sweating suffering delivering woman to the graceful movement of the baby during the mechanisms of labor up to its very first cry, everything in birthing is indeed a poetry in action.

Labor is not easy, it's painful, messy, and sometimes embarassing knowing that you are exposing your genitalia to the world. That's why I salute all the mothers out there. Hats off.

Monday, December 21, 2009

The Diary Of The Half-Deaf Man

Dear Diary,

2 weeks ago, I was infected with the notorious Staphylococcus pneumoniae which resulted to upper respiratory problems such as sore itchy throat and runny nose. The culprit, not contented with its colonization of my upper respiratory tract, descended further down to my lungs causing havoc to the said organs and produce flu like symptoms such as fever and generalized body malaise and eventually resulted to pneumonia.

At first, I didn't mind these for the reason that I was so busy with so many activities and I thought my immune defense is strong enough to do its job. But that was my fall because the infection ascended to my left ear causing otitis media or inflammation of the middle ear, giving me a feeling of fullness on the left side of my head and the inability to hear fully. Before things get worst, I consulted a physician and I was prescribed with Co-Amoxiclav (a combination of amoxicillin and clavunate acid), a mucolytic, and a decongestant.

Up to now, I still cannot hear fully or clearly and it irritates me. Why?

Because my friends tease me as "Romerei The Deaf".

Because I can't hear what people are whispering behind my back.

Because I can't enjoy listening to new music such as Alicia Key's The Element of Freedom album.

Because when an acquaintance of mine greeted me this morning in the mall with "Advance Merry Christmas Rom", all I could hear was a mumbling sound. I had to let him say it again before I understood what he was trying to say. It was very embarassing.

Because every time I lay at night in bed, I feel like I am swimming sidelying (in my left side of course), because of the pressure ringing in my left ear.

Because its the Yuletide season and I want to hear the carols, the fireworks, and the Christmas noise.

Because I just can't picture myself wearing a hearing aid. That is too "geriatric-ish"!

With this, my only wish this Christmas is for me to be cured and bring my hearing back to its normal level of functioning. And Santa, no hearing aid please.

Sincerely yours,

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Kapres vs Shrek, Bampiras vs Edward, Taong Lobos vs Jacob

The world is indeed changing in every tick of the clock. Change is the only thing constant in this world, they say. With this inevitable fact, it is saddening to realize that while the rest of the world, particularly the well-developed nations, are moving forward toward progress, we on the other hand are left behind with our obsolete technolgies and way of life.

Even in the paranormal world, change is also becoming more evident. And what is depressing is that only the mystic creatures, most of them are the antagonistic ones, of the first world countries are having the change of heart (and image too!). Let me enumerate them one by one and compare them with our own local paranormal creatures who are until now still haven't updated themselves with the latest trends:

1. While our kapres here are still smoking dried banana leaves (sometimes dried marijuana too but the number of plantations in our country just wont suffice their demands), still sport that long unshampooed hair and mustache and beard filled with lice, wear that caveman-cut piece of cloth (that is, if you can call it a cloth because it looks like a quilt of old rugs), and eat small children who happened to wander in their balete abode, the ogres of Europe on the other hand are becoming more refined and more hygienic in their ways. This started with the revolution led by the chivalric Shrek. Now European ogres are not only pleasant-looking but are also music lovers as they love to groove with Bahamen's Who Let The Dogs Out, Madonna's Like A Virgin, and emote to Stevie Wonder and the rest of the gang's That's What Friends Are For.

2. Blood sucking is no longer the sole business of the vampires of the Old and New World. They have recently diverted their attentions to literature by writing books, such as in the case of Lestat and Louise, fashion by wearing expensive designer's clothes, such as in the case of Daniel and Armand, and slaying other vampire menace (a noble humanitarian act) such as in the case of Blade. Aside from that, they have also mellowed, became more romantic, and invested much for their looks like what the metrosexual vampire Edward Cullen did. Now, most male vampires are like candies to the eyes of teenage girls who have no idea that their menstruation could be the fall of these handsome and irresistible creatures of the night. Meanwhile, our very own bampiras are still sleeping on old, rusty and mold-smelling coffins. They have no idea that they could live on classy and hi-tech condo units and act like members of the elite society. They're still confined in their dilapidated mansions which are now subject to demolition by the government. Their cousins, the mananaggals, still suffer the shame of flying with severed torsos and hanging insides. They still haven't find out how to fly "wholly" and therefore, save their dignity. Poor them.

3. Our taong lobos are currently suffering from rabies and scabbies outbreak. They were indignant upon hearing the masa saying that they now look like the common askals in the street which are known to eat shit (ews!). But jealousy sparked within the pack lately upon the release of the new Twilight Saga movie titled New Moon. The taong lobos, after watching the said blockbuster movie, were so envious upon seeing the well-sculpted body of the werewolf Jacob! They never knew that lycantrophy could be so sexy. The good thing is, most of the taong lobos are now in the gym doing crunches, cardio, and other forms of exercises that will help develop their biceps, triceps, chest, and of course, the six-packed abs! Thanks to Jacob!

4. The Philippine Association of Mangkukulams and Mangbabarangs (PAMM) are currently holding a convention at Mt. Pinatubo with the theme: Time For A Cool Change. The theme was inspired from the song Cool Change by the Little River Band which is a way for the said organization to address the challenge of recreating their image into something stylish, slick, and more wholesome to the masa. According to them, while they are living their hermitical life in ramshackle bahay kubo in remote areas, concocting horrible-smelling herbs and roots, using goo goo dolls made of rugs and rusty needles, and wearing tattered cheap clothes and sporting unwashed, fly away, and split-end filled hair, their counterparts in the US and most countries in Europe are enjoying the fame and popularity of being pretty college girls, fashionistas, and sex objects to bachelors. Examples are Prue, Piper, Phoebe, and Paige or the Charmed Ones, Willow of Buffy the Vampire Slayer, and of course Sabrina the teenage witch. PAMM's current convention have Heidi Klum, Tyra Banks, and Vera Wang as one of the speakers in their line up. More power to the bruhas!

Despite of our local supernatural creatures' being jologs and outdated, some of them are trying their best to keep with the pace. Thanks to Imang, the kampanerang kuba, she made our supernatural kababayans proud. It's not only that Igor had changed his image, sounded like John Cusack, and released an animated film, Imang also took the challenge by starring on a telenovela in a primetime slot and transforming to Anne Curtis-like visage and body. Whew! Pinoys never really know the word "surrender" because we always strive to reach for our goals and be recognized. Now that Charice Pempengco and Arnel Pineda are making noise in the international scene, the kapres, bampiras, manananggals, taong lobos, and mangkukulams are aiming to make it global. Good luck guys!