Monday, December 21, 2009

The Diary Of The Half-Deaf Man

Dear Diary,

2 weeks ago, I was infected with the notorious Staphylococcus pneumoniae which resulted to upper respiratory problems such as sore itchy throat and runny nose. The culprit, not contented with its colonization of my upper respiratory tract, descended further down to my lungs causing havoc to the said organs and produce flu like symptoms such as fever and generalized body malaise and eventually resulted to pneumonia.

At first, I didn't mind these for the reason that I was so busy with so many activities and I thought my immune defense is strong enough to do its job. But that was my fall because the infection ascended to my left ear causing otitis media or inflammation of the middle ear, giving me a feeling of fullness on the left side of my head and the inability to hear fully. Before things get worst, I consulted a physician and I was prescribed with Co-Amoxiclav (a combination of amoxicillin and clavunate acid), a mucolytic, and a decongestant.

Up to now, I still cannot hear fully or clearly and it irritates me. Why?

Because my friends tease me as "Romerei The Deaf".

Because I can't hear what people are whispering behind my back.

Because I can't enjoy listening to new music such as Alicia Key's The Element of Freedom album.

Because when an acquaintance of mine greeted me this morning in the mall with "Advance Merry Christmas Rom", all I could hear was a mumbling sound. I had to let him say it again before I understood what he was trying to say. It was very embarassing.

Because every time I lay at night in bed, I feel like I am swimming sidelying (in my left side of course), because of the pressure ringing in my left ear.

Because its the Yuletide season and I want to hear the carols, the fireworks, and the Christmas noise.

Because I just can't picture myself wearing a hearing aid. That is too "geriatric-ish"!

With this, my only wish this Christmas is for me to be cured and bring my hearing back to its normal level of functioning. And Santa, no hearing aid please.

Sincerely yours,

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