Friday, December 25, 2009

Christmas Thoughts

It's Christmas. I am happy and I don't know why. Maybe because of the festive air, the sight of the left-over foods prepared last night still plenty and looking inviting at the table, the beautiful Christmas decorations surrounding the house and the neighborhood, the cold breeze blowing on my face, or simply because of the thought that people right now are in the mood for generosity. Whatever the reason might be, what matters is I'm happy. At least for now.

I miss my mother and my brothers but I know that they miss me too most especially in this yuletide season. My mom called me last night and greeted me Merry Christmas and somehow I found it enough. They couldn't come to where I am now since they are missionary workers assigned to different places for the Lord, who's birthday we are celebrating today, and it's ok. What is important is that they are happy with what they are doing and that they are blessed everyday by the Creator.

Today is the supposed birthday of Jesus Christ although we know that Bible scholars and historians really don't have the authentic account of the exact date of his birth. Christmas was actually a pagan celebration in origin turned into a Christian event after the sprout of Catholicism in Rome to honor Christ. That was, until now. Because in this digital age, Santa Claus is the new star of Christmas, replacing Jesus Christ. You'll see the big bellied man with immaculate beard and red suit perpetually everywhere during Christmas. From decorations to greeting cards, from shirts to apparels, and from movies and to commercial ads. He is even drinking a bottle of Coke in one advertisement! What is saddening is that little kids are more familiar with Santa rather than Jesus, in fact, they associate Christmas with the former and with the gifts he bring. The icon of everlasting life was replaced by the icon of commercialization in this modern world. A very terrible deception.

I got to go. The foods on the table are beckoning me to come. Ha ha ha...

Happy nativity day Yeshua!

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