Saturday, June 5, 2010

A Cup Of Guilty Pleasure

Coffee. One of the best things on earth that God has ever created. The real "elixir of life" for students, workaholics, and even for the common tambays like me. It is the liquid that runs in my system everyday, the fuel that propels me to move and kicks my neurons to work. I can even say that I can survive months with just it stirring in my stomach.

Everyday I consume at least 3 cups of coffee, maximum is 5. With the range of cups I drink everyday, I know it is not yet a form of addiction (Ows?) because I heard that there are some people who can even consume at least 8 cups on a daily basis (Whoah!). Denial is indeed always the form of defense mechanism addicts resort to... ha ha ha. Anyway, addiction or not, coffee is one guilty pleasure I could not easily surrender. It's a good thing there is no such thing as rehab for coffee addicts because if there is then I'll be damned. Three-fourth of the world's population will be damned! Ha ha ha...

Anyway, an instant for me will do but brewed coffee will always be an excellent choice and the best experience.

So, have a cup?


-=K=- said...

Hi I'm K and I'm a coffee addict. LOL!

I think I'll put up a coffee rehab. With the growing number of people who fancy Starbucks, I think I'd be a millionaire in no time. You want in? :D

Romerei said...

If the director of such rehab is as beautiful as you, then why not? My pleasure. LOL...