Sunday, June 6, 2010

Another Labor Day

Population control is such an issue here in the Philippines that a lot of groups, either pros or cons, are arguing regarding its morality and practicality. The religious groups, particularly the Roman Catholic Church, are against it if the means of controlling the spurt of population is through employing artificial contraception. The government on the other hand and other practical and liberated sectors are in favor with it regardless the natural or artificial way of contraception is used.

The Philippines is indeed a fast growing country when we speak about its population. As a third world nation, population explosion is a foreseeable problem that will take place in this archipelago in the near future according to experts since the supply or resources of this country is starting to become limited and will never be able to meet the demands of the millions of Filipinos propagating by the second. Furthermore, experts added that a day will come when thousands of mouths will not be able to eat anymore if the rate of the population's growth continue to be like what we have now.

While our government and I guess the rest of the authorities of the world are so preoccupied with controlling the population, some countries even came out with one-child policy, yours truly on the other hand and the rest of my minions, my fellow nursing students that is, are so worried that there might be no sufficient number of pregnant women who will deliver until the deadline for the application for graduation comes. Everyday, before reporting for DR duty, nursing students are praying to all saints existing since time immemorial and even resorted to wearing lucky charms such as charmed bracelets, charmed red underwear and bras, and even use charmed stethoscopes and thermometers (are there such things? LOL!) just to make sure that there will be a lot of delivery cases waiting for them at the labor room upon their arrival.

Nursing students like me who are assigned in the delivery room have only one thing that could make us grin wide up to our very ears and that is the sight of multiple women with protruding bellies, excruciating from the pain of labor contractions. It is like heaven for us. Our strange form of Nirvana. Yes, delivery scores! But if the labor room is empty, the feeling is like that of a lover whose heart is broken to pieces and trampled upon. Ouch! Not another boring or jinxed day!

DDR! Leaking of BOW. 10 cm. Crowning. Mount! Push! Clamp! Scissors! Uhaaaa... Uhaaaa.... These are some of the few words in the DR that makes our adrenaline rush into our bloodstream. The natural high. And after that, the mess! But it's ok, the mess is worth the happiness of seeing your name written next to actual deliveries handled, delivery assisted, or cord care.

But of course, it's not just all about getting scores, the most important thing is to care for your clients, to support them and their families physically, morally, psychologically, and spiritually. Making sure that childbirth is a meaningful and life-changing experience not just for the mother but for the rest of the family as well. Naks naman! Nurse na nurse ang dating!

I'll be having my completion duty tonight at Western Visayas Medical Center. I still have four handled deliveries for deficit. I hope I will be able to complete my number of DR scrubs tonight. So bye for now people and wish me luck in my another labor day! =)

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