Wednesday, December 10, 2008

From Rockstar to Nurse

Man, I couldn't believe I sang last December 5 in the duet competition for our College of Nursing Foundation Day. It was like, I don't know how to describe it. Ha ha ha... All I know is that I stupidly accepted the request of our council to do it. I can sing ummmm... fair but not that great so it was like a suicide when I accepted the "challenge". But on the other hand, I want to experience and explore new things that will enrich my life so I think the better time to start it is now -- the time of my life when I am still young, bold, and boosting with energy!

When I was kid, I dreamed of becoming a rock star or even just a not-so-famous recording artist when I grow up. I don't know what happened to that dream because I just woke up one day pursuing the path of the nursing profession. But even though I already plunged into the pool of medical field, the child within me who wants to become a rock star someday still "possesses" me from time to time and I know he won't rest until I give him what he wants. So I last December 5, I gave him what he wanted which was a 10 minutes of performing on stage and the claps he wanted to hear from the audience.

On the day of the competition I was really scared to the max! I feared that my strained voice would give up on the middle of the song and that I might get off key and wouldn't be able to blend with my singing partner Ceelina and mess the whole thing! It would be a nightmare that instead of claps I, or we, might get "boos" instead. The fear of rejection.

So I tried to shake off my fears on that final moment, built my confidence, and tried to perform without reservations. I tried not to mind the good performances of the other competing couples because I might compare myself to them and would only create a feeling of inferiority in me. Wow, after our performance ended, I couldn't believe that I made it through. Our performance was not that great but I must say, pardon me if I sound bias, that it was good. And yes, the audience clapped and I know that in that moment blood rushed to my face. Ha ha ha...

We won the second place and for me, it was more than enough. Not bad for a first timers like us, what do you think huh? Anyways, the experience was great and I learned that fear is the only thing that holds us back from the things that we wanted to do in life. Things that if not fulfilled, we may keep on asking ourselves later "What if?"

To the child within me: I hope that the ten minute limelight exposure on stage will pacify you. I hope too that you will understand that although entertaining people is a good thing, healing them is far more better. From rockstar to nurse.....

P.S. To Ceelina: Thank you! To Anne, Rena Joy, & Rio: Congratutalations!

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