Friday, June 25, 2010

My Dream Room

The comfort room is also my dream room. Yes, you heard it right, my dream room. No, I don't sleep there 'cause that will make me look stupid than I already am although I'm the type of guy who can take a nap anywhere --- in jeepnies while commuting, in theaters when I find the movie boring, in front of my professor way back in college (the complexity of the lesson and his monotonous voice were like Valium), and even in restaurants when my orders take too long to arrive. Back to what I have said earlier, I never sleep in the comfort room because aside from the fact that I know what it is obviously for, my fantasies erupt every time I'm in there which activates my neurons into their state of creativity. I have no concrete explanation about this "phenomenon" but all I know is that every time I sit on the "glorious throne" (the toilet bowl that is), my daydreaming activity automatically begins that not even my valsalva maneuver could interrupt it. It's like being transported into another place, time, and reality. That's why I call it, aside from its original name, the dream room.


According to Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, each of us, upon fulfilling our physiological, security, and social needs, must see to it that the next level of need which deals on esteem will be addressed. Since I have already fulfilled the basic three in the hierarchy (I think so... he he he), I am now trying to deal on how to increase my self-esteem which we often get through social recognition and accomplishments. This maybe the reason why I often daydream of being a recipient of prestigious awards when I'm inside my dream room. Oscar, Grammy, Tony, Train, Golden Globe, Emmy, Nobel, Pulitzer, Ramon Magsaysay, Famas, Palanca, and so on. Name it, I have it! Of course upon receiving those trophies, usually a shampoo's bottle as my prop, there would be speeches.
"Whew! I can't believe this (At this point I will give a quick glance at my trophy... or the bottle of shampoo to be exact, as if utterly surprised). First of all, I would like to thank God for the gift of life and for all the blessings he has bestowed upon me. Then to my mom for all your love, patience, and sacrifices of raising us your sons. You are my inspiration. Thank you too to all my brothers. Your love and support guys have brought me this far. To my producers, writers, director and the rest of the technical staff, thank you very much guys for giving me this break. This is the fruit of our labors! To the academy, thank you for recognizing my talent and for believing in me, you are all amazing. To my fellow Filipinos, I dedicate this award to all of you, we did it again! Mabuhay tayong lahat!" And then I had to cut my speech because the orchestra had already resumed playing. Ha ha ha...


Who wants to be a superhero? Well I do! Just imagine the things that you can do when you are a super powered being --- fly to the moon, teleport to Boracay, walk through the walls of China, read the mind of your crush, summon a typhoon when you feel like tired of going to work, and mop the floor of your house without even holding a mop but just by mere telekinesis. Totally awesome! And yes, I transform into a superhero every time I'm confined in my dream room, also known as the Chamber of Metamorphosis! No, I don't turn into Superman, Spiderman, the Green Lantern, Batman, Wolverine, or Cyclops. Definitely not Wonderwoman or Storm either. My philosophy is against imitations and copycats. I just simply transformed into my alter ego, none other than....... the invincible SUPER JIM! Tadaaaah!!! The superhero who has the power of all known superheroes combined! Beat that! Ha ha ha... As of now I am still making up my mind whether I should sign a contract as a mainstay character of Marvel or DC and whether I should join a group or just go solo. Hmmm... Being a superhero is indeed not that easy. One more thing, let us just keep my real identity a secret, okay? I don't want paparazzi to stalk yours truly, I still want my privacy.


A fiery and idealistic politician sometimes I become in my magical dream room. This usually happens when the whole country's attention is suddenly diverted to big political issues such as graft and corruption, coup and mutiny, involvement of our government leaders in various scandals, and as ever, the big poverty problem. I get easily affected with these issues that, again, sitting in my "glorious throne", I often visualize myself sitting in the middle of a very long oak table, wearing an exquisite barong tagalog, and conducting meeting with my cabinet officials. I will then proceed into an episode in which I will get mad with all their inefficiencies and lack of sense of responsibility and concern. I will then come up with solutions that will alleviate this country from destitution. Time magazine will feature me as the President Who Save The Philippnes. Whew! Tsk tsk tsk... This is what watching the daily news has brought me.


I love my dream room. I can be whatever I want when I'm inside it. Sometimes a famous athlete, an adored rockstar, an A-List actor, a sought-after model, a revered writer, an idolized philanthropist, an immortal seductive vampire, or a sly detective. Anything and everything! Nothing is impossible. The four walls of the small room seem to stretch to contain the vast imagination of my mind. Magical. That's why I see to it that it is clean and deodorized every day.

Call it a delusion of grandeur. Call it insanity. I don't care. All I know is that my dream room serves as place for me to escape temporarily from reality. Sometimes, we do need a break from life's harshness and indifference. Isn't it?

So, wanna join me in my dream room?


kwoklongg said...

Yeah! The toilet bowl really holds a mistery no one could discover or explain. :D or maybe is it our shit that makes us more intellectual and cause the creativity of neurons. Please try taking a shit on other place then tell me what happen

Romerei said...

That's a good suggestion (lol). The "toilet bowl phenomenon" is indeed a good subject to be studied. Who knows, once I will be able to unravel the said mystery, I might contribute something big to science! Ha ha ha...

kwoklongg said...

sayang hindi ko naisip agad. kung iresearch ko at gawin kong thesis e hindi na original yung concept :D :D